



Groups help a big church feel small.

Frequently Asked Questions

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When and where do Groups meet?

Our Groups meet at various days and times throughout the week. Groups are also held in various locations–from individual homes to local businesses. Several Groups meet at the church. Whatever your availability, there is likely a Group that will fit your schedule. For those who have children and teens to consider, Wednesday night Groups coincide with our Kids and Middle School Youth programs and allow the whole family to grow in their knowledge of and love for Jesus at the same time. 

Click here to see current Group availability.

How long do groups meet?

Regular group gatherings generally last about 90 minutes, although individual Groups may have special events that may last longer.

How do I get connected to a Group?

There are a couple of ways to get started.  We would love to help you find a group and get plugged in. Just complete this form or stop by Group Life on a Sunday morning. Either way, you can tell us a little more about yourself and your family. 

Or, you can browse through our groups yourself. From this page, you will be able to see which groups are available, learn a little bit about them, see the general area where they meet. When you find a group that interests you, click the “request to join” button to reach out to the group’s leader directly.

Can I bring my kids?

Most groups (that include families with children) have a childcare plan. Some groups provide babysitters while others meet at the church during times that Kids and Middle School Youth Ministry programming is available.

Are there groups that are organized by life stage or interest area?

We have groups for men, women, couples, young adults, and more.  

Can I try out several groups and pick the one I like best?

We  recommend committing to one group to get started. If you attend a group and feel, for whatever reason, that it is not a “good fit” for you, we will be happy to help you find another group to try. There is a group for you!

What do groups talk about?

The majority of our groups are currently doing a study on Romans that parallels the Sunday teaching series. We do have a few groups that have chosen to do other studies. You can browse our groups and see what they are studying here. Participant guides for the Romans study are available weekly on the HPCC App.