What We Believe

Jesus is Lord

Jesus is the One and only divine Lord, the center of who we are and what we believe. He is fully God and fully man. Through his sinless life, death in our place, resurrection, and ascension, he has purchased the redemption of all who believe. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the one Mediator between God and humankind. He is Savior and Lord, the name at which every knee will bow.

John 1:1, 14:6; Acts 2:36; Philippians 2:10-11; Hebrews 12:24

Therefore, I have made a decision to follow Jesus in a life-long process of discipleship where I commit to continue to grow to be like Christ in all aspects of my life.


Salvation is necessary and available for all people to experience life with Jesus now and forever in the Kingdom of Heaven. No person in and of themselves can reconcile themselves to God. God’s desire is that no one should perish. In sending Jesus Christ to die on the cross, God did for humanity that which was impossible for us to do on our own; He gave up His only son’s life so that all may have the ability to choose with our God-given free will to believe and follow Him. We interpret scripture to reveal that salvation is by free will rather than by election. God has given all people a choice to place their faith in Jesus Christ (free will) rather than choosing who is saved and who is not (election/predestination).

John 3:16; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:8-9

Therefore, I have made a decision to place my faith in Christ for my salvation.

Holiness: The Work of the Spirit 

The Person, the work, and the power of the Holy Spirit is fundamental to who we are as a people. We believe the Spirit can transform, indwell, equip, and empower us. It is the work of the Holy Spirit that sanctifies us, makes us holy, sets us apart for sacred service, and seals us for eternity’s sake. It is the Spirit that convicts us of sin and enables us to overcome sin. It is the Holy Spirit that breathes supernatural gifts into us, for Jesus’ sake. He is the Comforter and Helper promised by Jesus and the witness of our redemption. In light of this and our pursuit of holiness, we must walk in step with the Spirit, thereby denying the works of the flesh

Romans 6:1-14; Galatians 5; 1 Peter 1:16

Therefore, I will walk in step with the Spirit as I can do nothing apart from Him. 


We are a people called by God to Christian unity, both with the Father and each other. Jesus prayed that his followers would be one, as He and The Father are one. The body of Christ is a place where our uniquenesses are celebrated and welcomed as we live together under the authority of Jesus Christ as the head of the Church. The division of the body of Christ is one of Satan’s greatest weapons against the Kingdom of Heaven. We are convinced that the splintering of the Church is not the Lord’s work, but the enemy’s. Hell trembles at the prospect of a people united, redeemed by the blood, and indwelt by the Spirit. 

John 13:35; John 17:21; Ephesians 4:3 

Therefore, I am committed to unity in the body which means I will be an instrument of peace in our congregation.

The Supremacy of Scripture

We are a people of the Bible. We believe the Old and New Testaments are inspired and preserved across time, cultures, and continents, delivered to us, useful for reproof, instruction, and training in righteousness. The Scripture is our ultimate authority; our measure of conduct, faith, and practice. Whatever the question, whatever the test, whatever comes before us, in the end, it is the Scripture, above all other disciplines, that informs and defines us. All scripture centers about the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ and is therefore only rightly understood in light of Him. 

Luke 24:27; 1 Corinthians 3:13; 2 Timothy 3:14–17; 2 Peter 1:21;  Revelation 22:18-19

Therefore, I commit to a regular practice of engagement with the Scriptures with the goal of continual transformation into the image of Christ.

The Great Commission

Making disciples is the divine privilege and responsibility given to each of us as Christ followers. We champion the work of evangelism and discipleship locally, regionally, and globally. 

Matthew 22:36-40; Matthew 28:19–20; Luke 10; Acts 1:8

Therefore, I embrace living on mission in all spheres of my life. I commit to having Jesus conversations and making disciples who make disciples.

Kingdom of God

The kingdom of God is anywhere that the rule and reign of God exists. It is both a present and future reality. As believers, we have been commanded to continue the expansion of the kingdom that Jesus began. This work has both a local and global emphasis. 

Matthew 28:18-20; Matthew 13; Luke 17:20–21; Acts 1:8 

Therefore, I am a servant of Jesus Christ, transformed by the power of the gospel to go to the ends of the earth in Jesus’ name. I seek to live in and extend God’s kingdom of peace in all my interactions with others, promoting the cause of Christ over my own. 

The Trinity

There is one God who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each Person is equally divine, holy, and loving and exists in a perfect, loving, and glorifying relationship with one another. Each Person is distinct and yet the same. Therefore, there is one God. As such, God is worthy of all glory, honor, and praise forever and ever. 

Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:18-19; Mark 12:29; John 14:1-28; 1 Timothy 1:17; 1 John 4:7-21; Revelation 7:12.

Therefore, it is the Father’s will for me to be in relationship with Him, made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. I offer my life in worship and obedience to the one God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Biblical Marriage, Identity, and Sexuality

Scripture presents marriage as a faithful relationship and covenant union between one man and one woman for as long as they both shall live, where love, encouragement, and sexual intimacy are shared, and joy and safety are experienced. We believe that there are two genders male and female, God created them both in His image. As such, they are not transferable, interchangeable, or even optional because God saw what he created and said that it was good. Only marriage between said man and woman fulfills the original plan of God, all else are to remain single or celibate. For those who are unmarried, our church desires to be a place to find the intimacy of relationships through the broader household of faith. For those who struggle with sexual addictions or sexual desires outside of God’s boundaries, including sex outside of marriage and pornography, our church desires to be a place to pursue self-denial in obedience to Christ. In regard to divorce, as followers of Jesus, Biblical reconciliation is always the goal. Due to the hardening of the human heart, resulting in sinful rebellion, abuse, and unfaithfulness, divorce, and remarriage may be justified in scripture under certain circumstances.  

Genesis 1:27-28; 2:21-25; Exodus 20:14; Psalm 68:6; Ephesians 5:23; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; 1 Corinthians 7; 1 Timothy 1:8-10

Therefore, I will seek to honor God with my body, whether married or single, pursuing holiness and wholeness in the area of my sexuality.  

Women in Ministry

We believe both women and men are equally called and equipped to serve God. In God’s kingdom, that which once divided us—Jew, Gentile; slave, free; male, female—no longer separates us. From the earliest days of the Church of God movement, we’ve celebrated the ministry leadership of outstanding women clergy and continue to do so.

Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17; Galatians 3:28

Therefore, I will support and encourage women in all levels of leadership within our church.  

End Times

The Bible paints an ultimately hopeful picture of the end of the age where Christ will return and right all wrongs. While many get wrapped up in the speculation of dates and details, the purpose of the Bible’s focus on the end times is to encourage us as believers to live faithful lives now until Christ’s return. One of the key debates regarding the end times relates to something called the millennium, or thousand-year reign of Christ referred to in Revelation 20:1-6. There are three main positions regarding the millennium: premillennialism, postmillennialism, and amillennialism. Premillennialism believes Christ’s return with a secret rapture of the saints prior to (thus “pre”) a time of tribulation for those who return prior to a literal thousand-year reign. Postmillennialism believes the Church will advance and impact the world in such a way that it will usher in Christ’s thousand-year reign. The Church of God holds to the position known as amillennialism, which has been the most widely held position of the church throughout church history. Amillennialists believe the thousand-year reign of Christ is a symbolic figure representing the advancement of the Kingdom of God from the time of His crucifixion to the present. It places an emphasis on the reality of the Kingdom of God growing in hearts and communities here and now instead of waiting for a future secret rapture and cataclysmic tribulation. While Christians have debated these points for centuries, the important thing for each of us is to be fully committed to Christ and his mission while looking forward to his imminent, glorious return. 

 Luke 1:33; Romans 14:17; Ephesians 6:12; 1 Corinthians 15:24; 1 Thessalonians 4:16–17


Church Membership

The Church is made up of everyone who professes faith in Christ. As a result, we do not have formal church membership at Highland Park Community Church. The New Testament often refers to Christians as “brothers” and “sisters” because they are a spiritual family, with God as their Father. The Bible describes the Church as a body in which each part has a unique function based on the gifts of the Spirit. They are individually different, yet they work together in harmony. 

Romans 12:4–5; 1 Corinthians 12:26; Galatians 3:26-28; Ephesians 2:20; Ephesians 4:2–3

Therefore, I choose to be in relationship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I demonstrate my commitment to being a part of the body of Christ through regular church attendance, financial giving, and using my gifts to further the mission of the Kingdom.

Our Core Values

  • Compassion: Demonstrating Christ’s love by meeting people’s needs.
  • Lost People Matter: We believe people far from God matter.
  • Bold Forward Thinking: We believe the Holy Spirit calls us to take risks in order to assist in reclaiming what hell has stolen.
  • Spiritual Maturity: We value growing in a vibrant faith walk in Christ.