Legacy Builders (formerly 55+Alive) is a ministry for those in the second half of adulthood. We want to use this time in our lives to do more than just spend time together, although that is also a big part of who we are. We want to pass on the gift of faith that we have received to the next generations through intergenerational opportunities. We hope you will join us, no matter your age, as we share our faith across the generations.
We have a team of people who visit our HPCC family and friends who are in the hospital. But we can only visit if we know they are there! IF YOU KNOW OF SOMEONE WHO WOULD LIKE A VISIT, please text or call the numbers above. When calling after office hours, follow the instructions to reach the pastor on call.
Congregational Care Pastor
Congregational Care Administrative Assistant
is on break throughout the month of July. We will begin meeting once again in August in Room 1321 at 10:30 a.m.