Family Ministry

About Family Ministry

God values marriage and family. At HPCC, Family Ministry exists to “empower families to thrive through God’s love.”  If you are a couple considering future marriage, we offer premarital support through our FOCCUS program. For marriages that are hurting and in need, we come alongside to help strengthen. For families seeking to navigate the complexities of parenting, we offer a leadership team with education and experience who facilitate workshops to strengthen parents. If you would like to take advantage of any of the resources or have questions regarding the opportunities we provide, scroll below for more information on upcoming events and workshops. We count it a privilege to support God’s best for you and your family.

Pastor Harold Bradshaw

Pastor Harold Bradshaw


Brianna Reaves

Brianna Reaves

Family Ministry Administrative Assistant


Raising Parents Podcast

Support For The Journey Of Parenting

Looking to have your wedding at Highland Park? Awesome! Email to start the process.



Here at Highland Park Community Church, we offer a special program to support couples considering marriage.

FOCCUS Couples

Highland Park Church has trained FOCCUS mentor couples ready to walk with you on a premarital preparation process! How does it work?  Engaged couples meet with a FOCCUS Facilitator, who then distributes the FOCCUS© Pre-Marriage Inventory to the couple–either via online access or in paper-pencil form.  Couples respond to the inventory independently, on a computer or on paper, to indicate their level of agreement, disagreement, or indecision about statements related to issues such as Communication, Problem-Solving, Religion, Dual Careers, Cohabitation, Parenting, Sexuality, Finances and more.  The inventory is scored and a personalized report is provided including a rating and planning booklet to integrate what they have learned.  The engaged couple will then be assigned to a mentor couple. It is not a test but, rather, is the source of the FOCCUS© Couple Report, which shows patterns of strengths and areas that need the couples’ attention.  A trained FOCCUS Facilitator guides the couples’ discussion based on their FOCCUS© Couple Report. Fee for the inventory. Free sessions with mentor couples.

Interested in taking the inventory and meeting with a mentor couple? E-mail Brianna Reaves at to get started.


Click here for dating and engagement resources.



Check the HPCC website for the upcoming Highland Park Family Ministry marriage retreats.


Click here for resources


For couples in the wake of an extramarital affair, we strongly recommend professional Christian counseling at the Healing Place, the on-site professional Christian counseling center at Highland Park Community Church.  This is a difficult and painful path.  Don’t suffer in silence.  Don’t walk it alone.  Hope and healing can be found.



Click here for resources for parenting kids and teens


Click here to learn more about Blended Families


Click here to learn more about Blended Families and Step-Parenting


Join us Friday night for our “Celebrate Recovery” Service.

Click here for more information about Celebrate Recovery.  Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-Centered, 12-Step Program offering healing and restoration for life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups.  All are welcome. Come as you are, not as you think you need to be.  Kids & youth programming available.

Led by Pastor Chris Kinner, 307-265-4073

5:30 Meal

6:20 Worship, Teaching, Testimony

8:00 Open Share Small Groups

9-10 pm Café: Dessert & Coffee, Informal Social Gathering, Food Bank




DivorceCare- Join a supportive community that understands what your going through. DivorceCare group at Highland Park.  Sessions meet for 12 weeks. The September session meets 6-7:30 Thursdays in Rm 1322.   The January sessions meet 6-7:30 pm Tuesdays in Room 1326 available.  $15 fee for the workbook.


Learn More About Divorce Care

We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God’s ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more!

Click Here For More Info


Click here for resources

Need Counseling?

Need Counseling?

The Healing Place is a professional Christian Counseling ministry of the Highland Park Church of God.  All counselors are licensed by the state of Wyoming.  All counseling is confidential.  Call for an appointment.  (As a professional counseling center, there is a fee for counseling.)

Click here to visit the Healing Place website.

The Healing Place, M-F 9-5 pm
5725 Highland Dr
Casper, WY 82609



Congratulations on your love!  Getting married is a big commitment—one that should be entered into with careful thought, prayer, and wise counsel from others.  Did you know that couples who have at least 8 hours of premarital counseling are 30% less likely to get divorced?  That could be the most important 8 hours of your life!  Premarital counseling cost usually 1-2% of the cost of the entire wedding, and lasts so much longer than the cake! Here at Highland Park Community Church, we offer a special program to support couples considering marriage.

Highland Park Church has trained FOCCUS mentor couples ready to walk with you on a premarital preparation process!


The moment you met your child, everything changed. There is now the inescapable truth that your life was no longer yours alone. You have been blessed beyond measure with the privilege of being a mother or father. We at Family Ministry are here to help you thrive as a parent. No two children are the same. This diversity is both challenging and rewarding. God’s word has much to teach us about parenting and the way God treats us is our example of how to lovingly parent our own children.


Enrich(verb): To add greater value or significance too; To make finer in quality. By supplying desirable elements or ingredients.
In our marriage enrichment workshops and retreats, we support couples looking to add value and joy to their relationships through continuing to grow and invest in their marriage relationship. We support couples pursuing God’s best in their marriage. When a marriage is enriched, communication brings insight, conflict becomes an opportunity, and connection fosters meaningful intimacy. Be intentional to enrich your marriage and experience the health of a God-centered marriage.


At Highland Park, we believe God designed the family as the primary context for faith formation. Highland Park Family Ministry exists to“Empower families to thrive through God’s love”  The Family Resource Center offers practical ideas and inspirational materials to help bring faith and relational health into the home. These resources include recommended books, DVDs, and print materials related to specific seasons and circumstances of family life.  For more information about the Family Resource Center contact Harold Bradshaw, our Family Ministry Pastor, or Brianna Reaves, Family Ministry Assistant. 307-265-4073