• 26.6% 26.6%

                                  $100,054                                                                                                                                                       $376,000                        


Pray… Give… Go!

What type of pledge would you like to make?

What is Faith Promise?

Faith Promise budget for 2025: $370,000

Every dollar of Faith Promise giving supports local and global missions. Here is where it goes…

Local Focus:

Rescue America

We are investing $30,000 to help expand the outreach and impact of Rescue America to bring freedom to those trapped in human trafficking.

Global Focus: India Gospel League

We are starting a 5-year adopt-a-village program with the India Gospel League to see the fullness of the Gospel come to the Maredubaka community through evangelism, church planting, education, healthcare and economic empowerment.

Monthly Partners: $126,000

We support the following local and global ministries on a monthly basis through Faith Promise giving…

Jason and Abby Torgeson:

Jason and Abby are the Church of God regional coordinators for Latin America and our newest global partners. They share our heart for self-sustainability for missions and are in a leadership role that overlaps with all of our partners in Latin America.

Project Support: $109,000

Project support funds go to empower ministries for one-time needs locally and globally.

Additional funding: $73,500

Scholarships for Go Teams, training and emergency funding for partners

We can’t do this alone! Please pray and ask God what He would have you to give to join us on mission this year!

Faith Promise Testimonies

I wrote down a Faith Promise amount, yet didn’t think much of it for months. As Faith Promise was coming to an end for the year, I knew I’d be getting a tax return, I nearly jokingly prayed, “Well, God, if my tax return is what I pledged…I’ll give it all to Faith Promise.” My tax return was the EXACT amount I had pledged. God showed up, just like He always does. 


The first time I started giving I was sitting in the audience during Faith Promise. I felt the need to give everything I had in my wallet. When I put in all my cash, I realized I had one blank check in my wallet left. With that check, I zeroed out my bank account. Within a year, God blessed me with a job, a home, a vehicle, and even random money coming my way. I didn’t give to get back, but God has blessed me in ways I never could have imagined.


Submit Your Own Testimonial